Course summary

Aimed at:
Those wishing to lead coaching in an organisation or work freelance

Approximately 12 months, depending on work commitments

ILM, City & Guilds

Level 7

Course overview

Unlock new career heights with our post-graduate qualification designed for leaders, senior managers, headteachers, and HR/OD professionals. Become a sought-after professional executive coach with our year-long programme, enhancing your coaching and mentoring skills at the highest level. Benefit from interactive workshops, personalised tutor support, and practical assignments. Earn an internationally recognised ILM Level 7 Certificate upon completion. Join our prestigious alumni network and access a wealth of coaching resources. Enroll now and elevate your coaching practice!

The programme is delivered multiple times per year in various locations, please get in touch for specific details.

Why choose BSC?

Course Requirement

  • Although it is not essential that you have passed the ILM Level 5 to enrol on the ILM Level 7, there is an expectation that you either are or have worked at the strategic, leadership level and that you have had experience of coaching,  and that you have access to clients who operate at that level for your coaching practice.
  • Microsoft Word software, or equivalent
  • An email account

Course features (Certificate)

  • A highly interactive course with 6 live workshop days of in-depth and highly practical workshops and peer support.
  • 20 hours of Coaching practice for the Certificate and 60 hours of coaching practice for the Diploma + 3 assignments.
  • Personal tutor/mentor coach support: advice and guidance, feedback on draft assignments and supervision of 4 of your coaching sessions.
  • 1-to-1 advice and practical help from our expert tutors who have trained people from some of the world’s largest organisations.
  • All materials; programme folder, handbooks, workbooks and access to a huge range of coaching resources.
  • On successful achievement, an internationally recognised and respected ILM Level 7 Certificate as well as 14 credits on the international qualifications framework.
  • BSC have earned Direct Claim Status from ILM for this qualification.

Programme Dates (6 workshop days)

2025 online workshops

  • 13th – 14th January, 24th – 25th February, 12th May and 1st September- Registrations Closed. 
  • 10th – 11th February, 31st March – 1st April, 23rd June and 15th September- Registrations Closed.
  • 10th – 11th March, 28th – 29th April, 30th June and 29th September- Registrations Closed.
  • 22nd – 23rd April, 3rd &4th June, 15th July and 6th October- Waiting List
  • HYBRID: 19th – 21st May (Face to face), 7th – 8th July and 17th November- Open for Registration
  • 9th – 10th June, 14th – 15th July, 30th September and 5th January 2026- Open for Registration
  • 8th – 9th September, 13th – 14th October, 9th January and 27th April 2026
  • 3rd – 4th November, 15th – 16th December, 2nd February 2026 and 20th April 2026

How the course works (Certificate)

The course begins with 5 ‘taught’ days in a seminar environment – split 3 days followed by 2 days a month later.  These days will be both theory and practise based and are aimed at giving you a strong body of knowledge whilst preparing you for your assessed work and 20 hours of coaching or mentoring activity with a minimum of 2 and maximum of 3 individuals.

Once your coaching is underway, a 6th  ‘tutorial’ day is scheduled online to support this work and the upcoming assignments.  There are three assessed pieces of work:  a theoretical assignment, a portfolio and finally a ‘reflective journal’ of your coaching practice.

  • AssignmentUnderstanding the Principles and Practice of Effective Coaching and Mentoring at an Executive or Senior Level – Knowledge based assignment- research and critical review of the role of a coach, difference between coaching and mentoring, use of coaching and mentoring in organisations at a strategic level etc.  This is in the form of a strategic report, which includes elements required for a professional practice guide as well as communication to SMT on evaluation. The suggested word count for this unit is 5,000 – 7,000 words (limit 7700 words), not including appendices.
  • PortfolioUndertaking Coaching or Mentoring at a Senior or Executive Level (20 hours Certificate, 60 hours Diploma) which includes coaching logs and supporting documentation in the form of a Portfolio which must fulfil the specified assessment criteria
  • Reflective Journal: Reflecting on your Ability to Perform as a Coach or Mentor at a Senior or Executive Level This is in the form of a diary which uses evidence from your Portfolio to provide a reflective overview of your journey as a coach providing a reflection on your development throughout the programme and on your ability to perform effectively as a coach at an executive and senior level

When you complete, you will receive an internationally recognised ILM, QCF credited Certificate. As a member of the prestigious British School of Coaching Alumni you will join a network of professional coaches with access to a wide range of coaching resources and information.

Course tutors

We deliver our courses in a unique way, reflecting our core beliefs of respect, rigour, integrity, professionalism and success. Our team of professional tutors are all practicing coaches.  Tutors bring a mix of their dynamic coaching practice underpinned by the experience and rigour of programme delivery to achieve the results BSC are so proud of.

Our Faculty

Progression routes

ILM Level 7 Diploma in Executive and Senior Level Coaches and Mentors. This qualification is the highest level coaching qualification available. The Diploma content follows on naturally from the Certificate qualification, adding a further 2 ‘taught’ days and an extra 40 hours of coaching activity. Certificate candidates can decide mid course to progress with the Diploma, or can gain the Certificate and top up the credits with the Diploma work and achieve that qualification.

Participants complete the same three mandatory units as in the Certificate but also complete an extended period of mentoring or executive coaching – a total of 60 hours practice is required for the Diploma.

In this practical unit you will develop and improve your performance as a management coach/leadership mentor; and as a reflective practitioner.

(Please note learners are not required to undertake the Certificate in Executive Coaching and Mentoring as a prerequisite and may join the Diploma in Executive Coaching and Mentoring directly.)

How to apply

Please complete and return the Application Form (above right) to


May 19, 2025

9am - 5:00pm

Cert: 14 QCF Credits; Dip: 37 QCF Credits

Download factsheet → Download applicaton form → Make an Enquiry →

Programme Review

I was impressed with the thoroughly professional approach of the course tutor(s)… enabling me to understand at a deeper level the principles involved in successful coaching. The course was good mixture of practical and theory and was enjoyable and informative. It also challenged me to think of how I can use my new skills at executive and strategic level which I will certainly do - Headteacher, Primary School