Interested in Writing a Guest Blog?

Are you Interested in Writing a Guest Blog Exclusively for British School of Coaching on the Topic of Coaching or Mentoring?
We will select blog posts that, we feel, aim to inspire our community of coaches and mentors in a wide range of sectors including education:
▪ Help develop coaching and mentoring ideas
▪ Resources for coaches at different phases of their development/training
▪ Techniques that worked for you
We will moderate all submissions and will avoid publishing:
▪ Offensive language and matters affecting cultural sensitivities (we are globally recognised)
▪ Blogs that link to commercial sites
▪ Blog material that is overly political
▪ Negative comments and rants. We understand that writing out your frustration can be cathartic but please keep that for your own website (or just write it down and throw it away!)
Submit your blog post for reblogging on British School of Coaching’s Website and Social Media (currently Twitter and Facebook)
Each re-blog will have your Twitter username and the url of the original post (if applicable)
Please email your Blog content along with your name, whether or not you wish to remain anonymous and your Twitter username to
Articles without your first name and family name cannot be published due to copyright reasons. Articles submitted here, without your true name, cannot be published. We will respect your right to remain anonymous, but please can you clearly indicate this when submitting your Article. If you request to remain anonymous, we will not publish your name, and withhold your identity (except for your Twitter identification)
Word Count
Your Blog submission should be no more than 300 words.